The Local Hoenn Guidebook

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2022 10:52:33 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


here's how it works

This voluntary, crowdsourced page is a place for members of Hoenn to share locations they've used throughout their threads for others to use freely.

This is meant to be a member-led way of promoting continuity in Hoenn and giving people an easy jumping-off point for coming up with places to set their stories.

Did you have an excellent date at a cafe in Mauville Hills? Is there a movie theater in Lilycove where you caught the latest flick? What about a high-stakes casino with a seedy underbelly?

Whatever it is, please feel free to share it with the community by posting a reply that follows the format below!

The Template

[blockquote][h1]LOCATION NAME[/h1]
[b]Category:[/b] What kind of place is it? Restaurant, theater, cafe?
[b]Owner:[/b] NPC or @tag
[b]Location:[/b] Where should the thread be posted?
[b]Description:[/b] What's this place like? What kind of things can you [i]do[/i] here?
[b]Relevant Links:[/b] Link to any inspo, wanted ads, or previous threads you've done with this location Hoenn!


If a location is explicitly mentioned as member-run, please DM the person involved before using the location in your threads!

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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,614 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2022 11:02:16 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


Category: Restaurant / Grill

Owner: NPC

Location: Lower District, Slateport

Description: Are you looking for the BEST Unovan burgers in Hoenn? Look no further than LIBERTY BURGER! Also famous for their Castelian City sauce. What's in it? Who cares! They also serve hot dogs, hot wings, chili fries, and anything greasy and delicious you can imagine.

Relevant Links: Introduced as a throwaway location in Little Black Card #2.
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,403 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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ana fell
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2022 11:13:28 GMT
ana fell Avatar


Category: Restauraunt
Owner: NPC
Location: Slateport Beach
Description: A luxury beachside eating spot famous for their seafood, ambiance, and $700 wagyu beef and lobster burger. Also has good drinks and a hibachi-style grill where you can watch the chef prepare your food. 
Relevant Links: Where Cyg and Elisa went in Little Black Card #1 ! 
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,614 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2022 12:31:14 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


Category: Flower shop.


Location: Petalburg City/Petalburg Woods

Description: Elisabeth Fiorelli's little cottage between Petalburg City and Petalburg Woods doubles as her flower shop, where patrons can not only order flowers, but also perfumes, floral tea blends, and desserts. For the right Rocket patrons who are in-the-know, there is a slightly more toxic item secretly available in her basement. (Poison. It's poison.)

Relevant Links: Full details in the wanted ad!
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played by


October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,547 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2022 14:50:40 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar


Category: Ranch
Location: Verdanturf Town/Route 117
Description: A vast ranch owned by Thomas Benoit, where several Pokemon can be found, whether roaming the green pastures peacefully, or training themselves to become deadly fighters. Both crops and Pokemon products, such as Dratini's shed skins, are produced by the Ranch. Underneath the ranch is a vast network of underground tunnels leading to diverse biomes in order to allow certain Pokemon to live in the best conditions possible.

Duvet Ranch has been used to care for the sick and injured during times of crisis, and the aftermath of disasters. When not caring for the sick and injured, the many Audino living on Duvet Ranch are more than happy to mingle with guests, and display their boundless affection.
Relevant Links: Will add later
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,368 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 18:49:21 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


Category: Underground market and live entertainment.
Location: Changes regularly.
Description: An underground meeting hub that gathers in a random warehouse, abandoned building, or route every weekend. Here, the League-critical and underworld-curious can speak freely and air their grievances with no worry of League oversight. There are quite a few activities in this meeting hub. Grey market vendors deal in rarities, oddities, information, rumors, services, and promises. Underground performers put on performances, shows, and acts to entertain the masses. Games of chance, tests of strength, and dares lie on every corner to tempt onlookers. Right now, it's starting oh so small, but as more things to do show up and word of mouth spreads Isaac's hoping this bazaar becomes one of Hoenn's secret hot spots.
Relevant Links:Exhibit (Plot Page to follow?)
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I cut like a knife so I hope you're alright seeing blood.
8,177 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 19:22:36 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


Category: Science laboratory
Location: Sootopolis City
Description: Formerly called Whitestone Laboratory in honor of Sootopolis' architectural style, locals took to calling it by its current moniker after Rocket seized the city and took over the space. Situated high on the cliffs and visible from most points of the city, the set of windowless white buildings continue deep underground. There is a key card reader at every entrance.
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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
2,849 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 20:08:42 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar


Category: bar & restaurant[break]
Owner: [break]
Location: Slateport City Lower District[break]
Description: Established in 2020, Howling at the Moon is a two story Unovan-style loft bar and dining venue with a down-to-earth, industrial vibe. Enjoy locally famous cocktails, innovative microbrews, and a divine food menu featuring regional specialties. Live musicians play after 8pm Fridays through Sundays, and the bar hosts trivia night every Wednesday from 7-9pm. Happy hour is from 4-7pm Mondays through Fridays.[break]
Relevant Links: wanted ad
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played by


November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,146 posts
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Summer Atreides
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 22:50:05 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar


Category: business liaison, trade, and information
Location: Mauville City (current)
Description: On the surface, it stands as a normal type of liaison. Prescott Industries helps with representation of smaller businesses, incorporating trade between cities and outside of Hoenn, and exchange of information. However, below the surface, illegal trade such as black market Pokemon deals, drugs, and dangerous information can be exchanged for the right price... as well as potential hitmans and the like.
Relevant Links: more to be added soon
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,219 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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jayden cross
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 23:49:48 GMT
jayden cross Avatar


Category: pharmaceutical company
Owner: [break] (under the name michail volkov, managed by the board of directors)
Location: galar region / hoenn hq in rustboro (new locations: mauville, dewford)
Description: a family-owned company that has dominated the big pharma industry in galar for over thirty years, it's management recently changed hands when the CEO suddenly passed. much of it's management is headed by an executive board of directors based in galar, and with the help of their new CEO, they have recently established an HQ in RUSTBORO CITY to establish it's hoenn branch. they focus mainly on human pharmacuticals, but also have a sector that works on pokemon drugs as well. though nothing has yet been confirmed, there are rumors that the company has ties to less than holy means, including trades with the black market, pokemon experimentation and money laundering.
Relevant Links:
- establishing hoenn branch
- investing in hoenn
- customer service
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dr. graves
he / him
October 28
fallarbor town, hoenn
museum director
professor / researcher
allopatric isolation
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
i get by, but it's hard to forget in the smoke of denial and the fog of regret.
404 posts
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TAG WITH @gideon
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 4:51:57 GMT



CATEGORY: museum


LOCATION: slateport city (upper district)

DESCRIPTION: welcome to one of hoenn's premier museums! located in slateport city's upper district, the national museum of natural history is administered by the NEXUS INSTITUTE and directed by DR. GIDEON GRAVES. delve into the fascinating story of our planet, from its fiery beginnings through billions of years of transformation, and explore life on earth through exhibitions and activities, collection objects, and research that happens in the lab and in the field!

RELEVANT LINKS: business page
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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
3,839 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2023 20:08:29 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Abomason Snow Cones

Category: snow cone stand
Owner: operated by a singular NPC who had the shock of their lives when Lars bought the entire stand for the duration of the Hoenn ☆ Tournament some time ago and decided to keep the business afloat; owned by
Location: Slateport Beach
Description: A simple, nondescript stand that trundles around Slateport Beach selling snow cones—and ever since he’d acquired it, legitimate AQUA initiative merch featuring the saltiest Head Ranger alive!

(Just ask the stand owner for the merchandise category, pay for your purchase, and the delivery would be made as soon as possible. Word on the beach is that the ‘nendoroid’ is the most popular piece, because of the accompanying Articuno mini-figurine)
Lore: For the duration of said tournament, there was no other way to spin it—Lars needed a way to keep himself (and the patron deity who shares his headspace) calm throughout the hottest months of the year.

At that time, the Hoenn ☆ Tournament was happening, he happened to chance by this singular stand selling snow cones, and at the time (for an undisclosed sum) he’d bought the entire stand’s stock of snow cones for that day.

The stand owner wasn’t exactly expecting him to seek the stand out for each and every day that the event was running and buy out their entire stock every single day until the end of summer, therefore saving their business (and making said stand well-known in the process).

Due to this, he had struck a deal with the owner of the stand—that he’d purchase the snow cone stand, however the original owner would keep most of the profit—Lars is the main (and only) investor.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,429 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Mar 29, 2023 9:08:23 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar


Category: Sports Venue & Riding/Racing Academy
Location: Mauville City
Description: A sprawling facility located just outside Mauville City limits, its office building is located on the very northernmost street in the city proper, on the west side of town. While it receives public funding by virtue of also being Mauville City Gym, Josh has also registered it as an independent business to maintain its identity in the event he must step down as Gym Leader.

In addition to taking Gym challenges, Josh offers classes for people who want to learn to ride their Pokémon. He has a plethora of advice for riders of all skill levels: beginners, intermediates, experts, and even masters can learn from him. He also has courses for those looking to get into Pokémon racing, which focus more on drawing the maximum speed from a Pokémon, pacing a Pokémon for a race, and so forth. There is no better place in Hoenn to learn controlling a Pokémon mount, so saddle up, hold on, and don't yell! And remember: With great speed comes great responsibility.

The office is three stories tall; the bottom story is a lobby and waiting area for challengers and classes awaiting Josh to arrive. The middle story is a traditional gym (not a Pokémon one) that features a small cafeteria and lounge for trainers, students, and faculty to relax, though food is not served there. The third story features Josh's personal office, where he does much of the bookwork Gym Leaders are required to personally complete to maintain their Gyms. The Gym's interior decor features predominant electric yellows, sky blues, and storm purples and grays, with many artists' depictions of the legendary Pokémon Raikou scattered about its walls. The basement is the facility's data center, and access is restricted to the Gym Leader himself and his tech staff. The entire facility's interior seems to be a giant love letter to Raikou.

The back of the facility, surrounded by a tall fence to prevent all but the most adept Pokémon from jumping over it, is enormous and sprawling. It is divided into seven Sectors.

Main Sector: This Sector features all of Josh's battle facilities, as well as the SPLIT OVAL, the most basic race course on the entire grounds. A set of bleachers facing a scoreboard gives those who purchase season passes a place to view the Gym Leader's battles. The main battle court is a wide-open grass field that is three times the standard size of a typical battle court, giving Pokémon plenty of room to run, but little room to hide. Surrounding it is an ovaloid race course with a similarly-shaped channel on the outside for water Pokémon to use. While it is not used for Josh's Gym Challenges, it is regularly used by beginning students.

Sector 1: Located in the southeast corner of the grounds, this Sector is a sprawling grassland with a few hills, several of the facility's easiest Overland courses are here, though there is one noteworthy exception.

Twist Road
Description: The easiest course Josh uses for his Gym Challenge, it only features one turn with a bend greater than 90 degrees, and has a mostly wide road for extra forgiveness. Though a bridge spans the river crossing for the first lap, it is retracted for the second and third laps, necessitating uses of QUICK ATTACK from slower Pokémon. The Aerial course has a mandatory inversion on the home stretch, making racers briefly fly upside down.
Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆☆
Race types: Overland, Aerial

Surface Slide
Description: One of the tougher 2-star Overland courses, this features a tricky jump not far from the starting line to a narrow landing zone, some semi-blind curves, and two long left-turns that can be difficult to hold.
Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆☆
Race types: Overland

Screw Mound
Description: Shaped more like a banana than a screw, this course has mostly long, gentle curves, with exception of two hairpin turns on its north and south ends. They both feature very wide lanes, giving racers plenty of room to make slower turns if need be.
Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆☆
Race types: Overland, Aerial

Description: The second most difficult land course on the Racing Grounds and the longest as well, its 3-lap record is nearly eight minutes. Spiral tests every skill imaginable: jumps, long turns, blind turns, sharp angles, difficult terrain... you name it, it's probably there. It is not a course for the faint of heart, reserved for challengers with many, many Badges.
Difficulty: ★★★★★★
Race types: Overland

Sector 2: Located in the east-central section of the grounds, this Sector is where most of the facility's Aquatic courses are, with a nearby river feeding the channels comprising the courses. Some parts of the courses even run through the river itself.

Description: The location of the pilot race for Hoenn's Silph Cup, this course has a little of everything: jumps, 180-degree turns, rough terrain, and even a minefield of EGG BOMBS to avoid on the backstretch. Channels run along the entire outside of the Overland course to serve as the Aquatic course. The Aerial version of the course requires Pokémon to fly sideways for extended periods of time.
Difficulty: ★★★★☆☆
Race types: Overland, Aquatic, Aerial

Description: This river course has a long straightaway to get Pokémon up to speed, but the rough waves and the winding curves on its second half will keep even the most well-handling water Pokémon on top of their game. A ramp near the end allows for a high-risk, high-reward shortcut to be taken.
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆☆
Race types: Aquatic

Description: A replica of the most treacherous course at Fortree Gym, this course is full of altitude changes, angled dives, wicked switchbacks, and inversions that challenge even seasoned racers. It is the second most difficult Aerial course at the facility. There is also an Aquatic adaptation.
Difficulty: ★★★★★☆
Race types: Aquatic, Aerial

Loop Cross
Description: A mostly straight course for speedy flying Pokémon, the first half of the course features a long, spiraling turn, two mandatory loop-de-loops, and a lengthy inversion.
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆☆
Race types: Aerial

Sector 3: Located in the northeast section of the grounds, this Sector is filled with mountainous and rugged terrain. Featuring at times odd terrain and elevation changes, many of Josh's Aerial-only courses are located back there. Sector 3 is also the location of the Gym's Operations Center, a building for stage managers and power operators.

Dragon Slope
Description: The most difficult aerial course at the facility, its claim to fame is the sheer altitude differences it boasts, its titular obstacle spanning from the mountain's highest peak to its lowest valley. It is not uncommon for especially fast Pokémon to break the sound barrier with boost-powered dives here.
Difficulty: ★★★★★☆
Race types: Aerial

Multi Jump
Description: This rectangular mountain course features four 90-degree turns and eight jumps, many of which can be used to attempt to cut corners.
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆☆
Race types: Overland

Dangerous Steps
Description: While the blind curves of the tunneled section of this mountain course can be dangerous, this course's true peril comes from the rapid series of stepping leaps on the backstretch. Too much speed, and a Pokémon can sail over the next step and off the course entirely. While large safety nets are strung near the steps to catch Pokémon that fall, being eliminated from the race can sting more than the pain of an accident.
Difficulty: ★★★★☆☆
Race types: Overland

Lateral Shift
Description: The most unique course at the Racing Grounds, this design features lanes that open and close, requiring racers to shift back and forth as appropriate. Failure to do so will cause Pokémon to run or fly off the track and cause eliminations.
Difficulty: ★★★★☆☆
Race types: Overland, Aerial

Sector 4: Located in the northwest section of the grounds, this Sector is located in the foothills of Sector 3, and features often hilly, but not mountainous, terrain. Many of the more difficult Overland courses are located here.

Wave Panic
Description: This course takes full advantage of the hilly nature of Sector 4's terrain. Not a single flat spot exists on this course outside of the home stretch, making Pokémon constantly battle uneven ground.
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆☆
Race types: Overland

Aero Dive
Description: This simple course, long but full of light turns and small jumps, is a favorite of incredibly speedy Pokémon due to an enormous leap on the backstretch. Pokémon take several seconds to reach the bottom from the top, and come out of it well above their normal top speeds. Maintaining control can be quite a challenge!
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆☆
Race types: Overland, Aerial

Description: Recently rerated in difficulty after 's Gym Challenge, this course's mogul-like sections of terrain are extremely unpredictable to Pokémon. With daring jumps to cut corners also possible, no lead is safe here.
Difficulty: ★★★★☆☆
Race types: Overland

Serial Gaps
Description: One of the most feared Overland courses on the facility, this course's nearly constantly changing elevation and frequent jumps require intense concentration to navigate. There is even a short tunnel section with a small minefield of EGG BOMBS to dodge. One false move can lead to an early exit from the race.
Difficulty: ★★★★★☆
Race types: Overland

Sector 5: Located in the west-central section of the grounds, this Sector is home to the more challenging Aquatic courses, though there are Aerial ones, as well. This Sector features a myriad of wet environments, and the Overland courses her can be quite slick as a result.

Drift Highway
Description: One of the easiest two-star courses on the property, it is often booked for practice because it is perfect for Pokémon to practice drifting turns. It would be a one-star course if it weren't for an out-of-place, narrow chicane that gives many racers fits and has ruined many a time trial.
Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆☆
Race types: Overland, Aquatic, Aerial

Description: One lap on this triangle-shaped course feels like two, an enormous, undulating tube cutting through the backstretch. This tube must be flown around in a slalom pattern when racers arrive at the second half of the course.
Difficulty: ★★★★☆☆
Race types: Aerial

Double Branches
Description: This meandering river course has several forks that mirror one another, giving racers preference whether they handle left or right turns better. It is the longest Aquatic course on the properly, its three-lap record well over five minutes long.
Difficulty: ★★★★☆☆
Race types: Aquatic

Snake Waterway
Description: By far the most difficult aquatic course on the Racing Grounds, it is narrow and features mostly winding, nonstop turns. No two curves are the same, and even the few straightaways there are on the backstretch have their waters churned like a wave pool.
Difficulty: ★★★★★★
Race types: Aquatic

Sector 6: Located in the southwest section of the grounds, this Sector consists primarily of dry, wasteland-type terrain, and features some of the most difficult courses on the facility.

Description: This course is similar to Screw Mound in that it is defined by two hairpin turns, but this one has the added difficulty of a mandatory inversion in its straightaway halfway through the course, as well as a narrow backstretch that makes passing challenging.
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆☆
Race types: Aerial

Quick Turn
Description: By far the shortest course in terms of pure distance, its incredibly tight and rapid turns make it a favorite of Pokémon with wonderful grip.
Difficulty: ★★★★☆☆
Race types: Overland

Thunder Road
Description: Josh's favorite course on the property, this course features many wide, right angle turns in the shape of lightning bolts. He often reserves this course for days when thunderstorms are passing through the area, and loves bringing electric Pokémon here.
Difficulty: ★★★★★☆
Race types: Overland

Slim-Line Slits
Description: The most difficult race course in all of Hoenn. This track frequently splits into two halves so narrow that rubbing walls and terrain is almost an inevitability. There are also lane shifts much like in the Lateral Shift course, where running off the track and being disqualified is a real threat. Even surviving three laps around this course without being eliminated from the race is an accomplishment.
Difficulty: ★★★★★★ (flashing)
Race types: Overland

Relevant Links: Mauville City Gym - Currently hiring! If you are interested in a position, please DM me on Discord!
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november 12
we sewed all the holes we had to breathe
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willow atkins
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Apr 1, 2023 19:56:10 GMT
willow atkins Avatar


Category: Flower shop & Grass-type rehabilitation clinic.[break]
Owner: [break]
Location: Fallarbor[break]
Description: Atkins' Arrangements is a flower shop well known to the locals of the town and its surrounding rural inhabitants. You say the name Willow or mention needing a nice place to buy flowers, or a slice of pie, and they'll be more than happy to point you in her direction.[break][break]
The shop is a quaint two rooms brimming with freshly cut stems and potted plants. Behind the counter-top is a stairwell leading up to the second floor, where Willow lives with her mother and her son, .[break][break]
has been working part-time at the shop for a little over a year now and will more than likely be the first face you see upon entering, if it's not willow herself or her leavanny. Behind the shop/home are acres of land. Most of it is dedicated to growing indigenous flowers, but there are two notable features: the greenhouse and the combee boxes.[break][break]
The greenhouse is an impressive structure, ringed with plots of planted gloom and vileplume. Many grass-types wander about, enjoying waterings from some of Will's water-types while soaking up the sun. The bee boxes are home to several hives of combee and a couple of vespiquen. can sometimes be seen tending to them on the property, as they're jointly owned. The recent boom in bottled honey, used to lather on garden trees to attract pokemon, is sourced here. [break]
Relevant Links: growth | PC Snapshots



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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON May 3, 2023 2:01:24 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar


Category: Pokemon Clinic
Owner: , NPC
Location: Slateport (close to Mauville)
Description: Aubre and her fellow doctors have banded together to create a clinic that provides more long-term care. They also serve as a refuge for orphaned and damaged Pokemon. The clinic hosts speakers on the adjoining property and sometimes offers free Pokemon care classes. Its most impressive feature is the oasis out back where many wild Pokemon are released to recuperate. Aubre specializes in flying and water-type Pokemon. Dog and fire-type Pokemon are not allowed. Many of the staff are independent Pokemon.


it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay